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Bell's theorem, entanglement, quantum teleportation and all that
来源:bevictor伟德官网dengyingjuan 发布时间:2018-06-06 浏览次数:

Prof.Antony J.Leggett, Nobel Laureate in Physics

Time: 15:30~17:00, June 8, 2018,

Locate: West Five-Teaching Building Studio, Wangjiang Campus, Sichuan University

One of the most surprising aspects of quantum mechanics is that under certain circumstances it does not allow individual physical systems, even when isolated, to possess properties in their own right. This feature, first clearly appreciated by John Bell in 1964, has in the last three decades been tested experimentally and found (in most people's opinion) to be spectacularly confirmed. More recently it has been realized that it permits various operations which are classically impossible, such as "teleportation" and secure-in-principle cryptography. This talk is a very basic introduction to the subject, which requires only elementary quantum mechanics; it is primarily aimed at senior undergraduates or beginning graduate students ,but has on

occasion been given with apparent success as a departmental colloquium.

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