廖梦舟(Mengzhou Liao),伟德bevictor中文版(正高级)特聘研究员,博士生导师,国家级青年人才,入选海外高层次人才引进计划。2019年博士毕业于中国科学院物理研究所(导师 张广宇研究员),2019-2023年于捷克布拉格理工大学Tomas Polcar教授组从事博士后研究,并主持欧盟与捷克教育部支持的玛丽居里青年研究项目。2023年5月加入bevictor伟德官网。研究领域主要涉及物理学和材料学学科交叉,包括材料生长和表征、微纳器件制备及测量、摩擦原理研究,实验设备设计与制造等。目前发表SCI论文37篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Materials, Nature Communications, ACS Nano, Physical Review B, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Carbon等期刊发表 SCI 论文8 篇,总引用次数超过2700次(据web of science),h-index 21。在转角电子学和摩擦学方面的研究成果工作被Science Daily和捷克科学媒体OSEL等广泛报道。
1. 跨尺度摩擦原理。
2. 超润滑原理及实现。
3. 二维材料电学,光学,及机械性能交叉。
4. 原子力显微镜技术。
5. 仪器设备设计与制造。
Prof. Mengzhou Liao got his doctoral degree in 2019 from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (under Prof. Guangyu Zhang's supervision). From 2019 to 2023, he continued his work as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Tomas Polcar at the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he got support from the Marie Curie Young Researcher Project supported by the European Union and the Czech Ministry of Education. In May 2023, he joined the College of Materials Science and Engineering at Sichuan University.
Prof. Liao mainly studies the interdisciplinary fields of physics and materials science. His work includes 1. material growth and characterization; 2. fabrication and measurement of micro/nanodevices; 3. tribology; and 4. equipment design and manufacturing. He has published 37 SCI papers, 8 of them as first author or corresponding author in journals such as Nature Materials, Nature Communications, ACS Nano, Physical Review B, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, and Carbon. His total citation count exceeds 2700 (according to Web of Science), with an h-index of 21. His research achievements in tribology and twistronics have been widely reported by media outlets such as Science Daily and the Czech science platform OSEL.
Research Interests: 1. Cross-scale friction theory; 2. Superlubricity 2. The electrical, optical, and mechanical properties of 2D materials; 3. Atomic force microscopy techniques; 4. Equipment design and manufacturing.
Research Highlights: The research of Prof. Liao's group focuses on solving real-world problems, combining theory and experiments. Prof. Liao's group encourages the balance between purposefulness and autonomy, allowing students to explore unknowingly. The group aims to empower individuals to master equipment rather than be subservient to them.
Welcome graduate students and postdoctoral researchers with backgrounds in physics, materials science, electronics, and a passion for life to join the group.
Contact: mengzliao@scu.edu.cn
1. Liao, M.; Cammarata, A.; Polcar, T., Charge-induced ultralow friction between graphite and atomically flat surfaces. Carbon 2024, 119036.
2. Liao, M.; Silva, A.; Du, L.; Nicolini, P.; Claerbout, V. E. P.; Kramer, D.; Yang, R.; Shi, D.; Polcar, T.; Zhang, G., Twisting Dynamics of Large Lattice-Mismatch van der Waals Heterostructures. Acs Appl Mater Inter 2023, 15 (15), 19616-19623.
3. Liao, M.; Nicolini, P.; Polcar, T., Separating anisotropic and isotropic friction between atomic force microscope tips and atomically flat surfaces. Physical Review B 2023, 107 (19), 195442.
4. Liao, M.; Nicolini, P.; Du, L.; Yuan, J.; Wang, S.; Yu, H.; Tang, J.; Cheng, P.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Gu, L.; Claerbout, V. E. P.; Silva, A.; Kramer, D.; Polcar, T.; Yang, R.; Shi, D.; Zhang, G., UItra-low friction and edge-pinning effect in large-lattice-mismatch van der Waals heterostructures. Nature Materials 2022, 21 (1), 47-53.
5. Liao, M.; Wei, Z.; Du, L.; Wang, Q.; Tang, J.; Yu, H.; Wu, F.; Zhao, J.; Xu, X.; Han, B.; Liu, K.; Gao, P.; Polcar, T.; Sun, Z.; Shi, D.; Yang, R.; Zhang, G., Precise control of the interlayer twist angle in large scale MoS2 homostructures. Nature Communications 2020, 11 (1), 2153.
6. Liao, M.; Wu, Z.-W.; Du, L.; Zhang, T.; Wei, Z.; Zhu, J.; Yu, H.; Tang, J.; Gu, L.; Xing, Y., Twist angle-dependent conductivities across MoS 2/graphene heterojunctions. Nature communications 2018, 9 (1), 4068.
7. Yu, H.; Liao, M.; Zhao, W.; Liu, G.; Zhou, X.; Wei, Z.; Xu, X.; Liu, K.; Hu, Z.; Deng, K., Wafer-scale growth and transfer of highly-oriented monolayer MoS2 continuous films. Acs Nano 2017, 11 (12), 12001-12007.
8. Xie, L.; Liao, M.; Wang, S.; Yu, H.; Du, L.; Tang, J.; Zhao, J.; Zhang, J.; Chen, P.; Lu, X., Graphene‐Contacted Ultrashort Channel Monolayer MoS2 Transistors. Advanced Materials 2017, 29 (37), 1702522.