邹海洋,伟德bevictor中文版(正高级)特聘研究员,博士生导师,国家级青年人才,入选海外高层次人才引进计划。硕士毕业于美国伍斯特理工学院,师从Diran Apelian 院士。通过香港内地人才引进计划在香港大学任助理研究员。在美国佐治亚理工学院获得博士学位,博士和博士后指导老师王中林院士。研究领域主要涉及纳米功能材料,能源转换与收集,传感系统,柔性电子学,压电电子与光电子等,取得多项原创性科研成果。目前发表SCI论文55篇,包括Nature Energy, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials 等。其中3篇热点论文,9篇高被引论文。一作或通讯作者论文15篇,篇均影响因子21.83,总引用超6400次,h-index 34。入选美国斯坦福大学发布的全球2%顶尖科学家榜单。
申请美国发明专利4项,其中1项获授权证书,获得来自全球风险投资集团9000万美元融资,并在美国马萨诸塞州,伊利诺伊州和佐治亚州等投资10亿美元建厂投产,成果转化获得彭博社、纽约时报、雅虎等权威媒体和州政府官方报道。参与美国国家自然基金两项,美国能源部项目一项。获得中国优秀职工奖,并被新华社报道。Nano Energy 杰出审稿人,担任国际知名杂志(AM, Materials Today, AEM, AFM, Nano Energy, ACS Nano等)独立审稿人,担任国际知名期刊Nanomaterials (IF=5.72) 杂志编委。
3. 摩擦起电及摩擦纳米发电机
4. 柔性电子及智能传感
联系方式:zhy@scu.edu.cn; zouhaiyang0609@hotmail.com;
1.H. Zou, L. Guo, X. Hao, Y. Zhang, X. Shen, X. Liu, P. Wang, X. He, G. Dai, P. Jiang, H. Zheng, B. Zhang, C. Xu, Z. L. Wang*, “Quantifying and understanding the triboelectric series of inorganic non-metallic materials” Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1), 1-7.
2.H. Zou, Y. Zhang, L. Guo, P. Wang, X. He, G. Dai, H. Zheng, C. Chen, A.C. Wang, C. Xu, Z.L. Wang*, "Quantifying the triboelectric series", Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1), 1427.【Hot paper; Highly Cited Paper; Highlighted by Editors】
3.H. Zou, G. Dai, A.C. Wang, X. Li, S.L. Zhang, W. Ding, L. Zhang, Y. Zhang and Z.L. Wang*, “Alternating Current Photovoltaic Effect.” Advanced Materials, 2020. 32(11),1907249.
4.C. Lan†, H. Zou† (Co-first), L. Wang, S. Pan,Y. Ma,Y. Qiu, Z. L. Wang,* and Z, Lin*, “Revealing Electrical-Poling-Induced Polarization Potential in Hybrid Perovskite Photodetectors”, Advanced Materials, 2020, 32(47), 2005481.
5.C. Xu†, A.C. Wang†, H. Zou† (Co-first), B. Zhang, C. Zhang, Y. Zi, L. Pan, P. Wang, P. Feng, Z Lin, Z.L. Wang*, “Raising the working temperature of a triboelectric nanogenerator by quenching down electron thermionic emission in contact-electrification.” Advanced Materials, 2018. 30(38), 1803968.
6.H. Zou, X. Li, W. Peng, W. Wu, R. Yu, C. Wu, W. Ding, F. Hu, R. Liu, Y. Zi, Z.L. Wang*, "Piezo-Phototronic Effect on Selective Electron or Hole Transport through Depletion Region of Vis-NIR Broadband Photodiode", Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1701412.
7.Z. Wu†, B. Zhang†, H. Zou†(Co-first), Z. Lin, G. Liu and Z. L. Wang, Multifunctional Sensor Based on Translational‐Rotary Triboelectric Nanogenerator. Advanced Energy Materials, 2019, 9(33), 1901124.
8.X. He†, H. Zou† (Co-first), Z. Geng, X. Wang, W. Ding, F. Hu, Y. Zi C. Xu, S.L. Zhang, Y. Yu M. Xu, W. Zhang, C. Lu, Z.L. Wang*, "A hierarchically nanostructured cellulose fiber-based triboelectric nanogenerator for self-powered healthcare products", Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, (45), 1805540.
9.H. Zou, C. Zhang, H. Xue, Z. Wu, and Z.L. Wang. "Boosting the Solar Cell Efficiency by Flexo-photovoltaic Effect?" ACS Nano, 2019, 13 (11) 12259-12267.
10.H. Zou, X. Li, G. Dai, W. Peng, Y. Ding, Y. Zhang, S. Zhang, Z.L. Wang*, "Dramatically enhanced broadband photodetection by dual inversion layers and fowler-nordheim tunneling", ACS Nano, 2019, 13(2), 2289-2297.
11.G. Dai†, H. Zou† (Co-first), X. Wang, Y. Zhou, P. Wang, Y Ding, Y. Zhang, J Yang, Z.L. Wang*, “Piezo-phototronic effect enhanced responsivity of photon sensor based on composition-tunable ternary CdSxSe1–x nanowires”, ACS Photonics, 2017, 4(10), 2495-2503.
12.Z. Lin†, B. Zhang†, H. Zou† (Co-first), Z. Wu, H. Guo, Y. Zhang, J. Yang, and Z.L. Wang. "Rationally Designed Rotation Triboelectric Nanogenerators with Much Extended Lifetime and Durability." Nano Energy, 2019, 68, 104378. 【Highly Cited Paper】
13.H. Zou* (Corr. author), J. Chen, Y. Fang, J. Ding, W Peng, R Liu, "A dual-electrolyte based air-breathing regenerative microfluidic fuel cell with 1.76 V open-circuit-voltage and 0.74 V water-splitting voltage", Nano Energy, 2016, 27, 619-626.
14.H. Zou, E. Gratz, D. Apelian*, and Y. Wang*, “A novel method to recycle mixed cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries”, Green Chemistry, 2013. 15(5), 1183-1191.