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1. 固态相变及组织形成理论

2. 材料组织设计与性能调控

3. 材料组织的计算机模拟

4. 电子显微分析



长期从事先进金属结构材料(核反应堆结构材料、先进高强钢、镁合金等)的微结构与性能关系的实验和理论研究。工作特点是开展材料在变形、热机械处理过程中组织演化的系统实验研究和理论模拟,建立组织形成理论,并进行材料组织和性能的深入关联性研究,以此指导材料的组织设计和性能调控。以第一作者或通讯作者在Corrosion Science、Journal of Nuclear Materials、Journal of Materials Science & Technology、Materials Science and Engineering: A、Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A等国际期刊上发表论文30余篇,获得国家授权发明专利4项。先后承担了国家自科学基金青年、面上项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、GF科技创新特区项目、四川省重大专项项目子课题、伟德bevictor中文版科技领军人才培育项目等。近年来,课题组始终瞄准国家重大战略需求,在面向极端环境服役的高性能合金(如核能包壳材料、高寒区钢轨等)开发及性能验证方面取得了一批创新性的研究成果,课题组毕业生多选择到国家重点行业单位(如成飞)工作或到国内外名校(如美国西北大学等)进一步深造。


址: 四川省成都市一环路南一段24号bevictor伟德官网

E-mail x.f.huang.123@163.com



[1] Tuowen Chen, Gang Li, Hui Wang, Xuguang An and Xuefei Huang. Effect of Si content on the mechanical behavior and microstructure of a 9Cr ferritic/martensitic steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2024, 29: 1542-1556.

[2] Mingyou Niu, Hui Wang and Xuefei Huang. Positron annihilation investigation of hardening behavior induced by Fe2+ irradiation in low-Cr FeCrAl alloys. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023, 24: 7291-7301.

[3] Hui Wang, Xiong Zhou, Hao He, Liping Guo, Yunxia Gao and Xuefei Huang. Development of low-Cr wrought FeCrAl cladding alloys and its irradiation tolerance and steam oxidation resistance at 1200 °C. Corrosion Science. 2022, 195: 109998.

[4] Li Chen, Hui Wang, Xuguang An and Xuefei Huang. Recovery, recrystallization and precipitation behavior in an ATF FeCrAl alloy during annealing treatment. Materials Characterization. 2022, 190: 112026.

[5] B. D. Wu, X. S. Yang, Y. Z. Zhou, X. Liu, J. F. Li, X. F. Huang and G. M. Le. Laser melting deposited self-passivating 90W-10Cr coatings on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel using 90W-7Ni-3Fe interlayers. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2021, 553: 153029.

[6] Li Chen, Xuefei Huang, Kun He and Hui Wang. Precipitation behavior and age hardening effect of the precipitates in a Fe-13Cr-4Al-2Mo-1.2Nb alloy. Materials Characterization. 2021, 173: 110918.

[7] Hao He, Shuhai Huang, Hui Wang and Xuefei Huang. Isothermal holding processes of a reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel to form a bainitic/martensitic multiphase microstructure and its mechanical properties. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2021, 822: 141645.

[8] Hao He, Hui Wang, Kun He, Xue Liang and Xuefei Huang. Comparative study on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a modified 9Cr–2WVTa steel by normalizing-tempering and quenching-partitioning treatments. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2021, 800: 140364.

[9] Xuefei Huang, Hui Wang, Shaoyu Qiu, Yiyong Zhang, Kun He and Boda Wu. Cold-rolling & annealing process for nuclear grade wrought FeCrAl cladding alloy to enhance the strength and ductility. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2020, 277: 116434.

[10] B. D. Wu, X. Liu, J. F. Li, Y. Z. Zhou, X. S. Yang, X. F. Huang and G. M. Le. Tungsten-chromium coatings on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels prepared by laser melting deposition process. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2020, 152573.


[1] Dingbo Sun, Hui Wang, Xuguang An, Gaixia Wang, Shuhai Huang and Xuefei Huang. Quantitative evaluation of the contribution of carbide-free bainite, lath martensite, and retained austenite on the mechanical properties of C-Mn-Si high-strength steels. Materials Characterization. 2023, 199: 112802.

[2] Dingbo Sun, Shuhai Huang, Chongmu Chen, Hui Wang, Xuguang An, Qiangguo Li and Xuefei Huang. Enhancement of the Mechanical Properties of a V–Ti–N Microalloyed Steel Treated by a Novel Precipitation-Quenching & Partitioning Process. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2022.

[3] Qiangguo Li, Xuefei Huang and Weigang Huang. Fatigue property and microstructure deformation behavior of multiphase microstructure in a medium-carbon bainite steel under rolling contact condition. International Journal of Fatigue. 2019, 125: 381-393.

[4] Qiangguo Li, Xuefei Huang and Weigang Huang. Strain hardening behavior and deformation characteristics of multiphase microstructure in a medium-carbon quenching and partitioning bainitic steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2017, 707: 199-206.

[5] Xuefei Huang, Wenli Liu, Yuyin Huang, Hu Chen and Weigang Huang. Effect of a quenching-long partitioning treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a 0.2 C% bainitic steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2015, 222: 181-187.


[1] Fanglei Hu, Guomin Han, Baoqin Fu, Tang Shi and Xuefei Huang. An elastoplastic phase-field study of the precipitation behaviors of Mg17Al12 phase in Mg-Al-Based alloys: Part I. Modeling and the role of plasticity. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023, 955: 170242.

[2] Fanglei Hu, Guomin Han, Baoqin Fu, Tang Shi and Xuefei Huang. An elastoplastic phase-field study of the precipitation behaviors of Mg17Al12 phase in Mg-Al-based alloys: Part II. Precipitation under various loadings. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023, 962: 171178.

[3] Xuefei Huang, Baoqin Fu and Weigang Huang. Newly observed irrational crystallographic features of non-basal Mg2Sn precipitates in a Mg-4Sn alloy aged at 160 °C. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2021, 77: 237-243.

[4] Xuefei Huang, Li Chen and Hui Wang. Characterization and Interpretation of the Multiple Crystallographic Features of εPrecipitates in an Ag-Containing Mg-Sn Alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 202051A:2002-2010..

[5] Xuefei Huang and Weigang Huang. Irrational crystallography of the (1 1 -2 0)Mg Mg2Sn precipitates in an aged Mg-Sn-Mn alloy. Materials Characterization. 2019, 151: 260-266.

[6] Wandong Li, Xuefei Huang and Weigang Huang. Effects of Ca, Ag addition on the microstructure and age-hardening behavior of a Mg-7Sn (wt%) alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2017, 692: 75-80.

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