黄巍,副研究员,硕士生导师,2009年本科毕业于bevictor伟德官网材料化学专业,2014年获得伟德bevictor中文版材料物理与化学专业博士学位。2014年9月至2019年伟德bevictor中文版博士后,2019年9月副研究员。主要从事红外非线性光学晶体的生长及器件制备研究。主持国家自然科学基金(青年基金)项目、四川省重点研发项目以及多个横向项目。作为主研人员参加国家XX配套项目、国家863计划课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、装备预先研究项目等等。在Inorganic Chemistry、The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters、Crystal Growth & Design、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Crystal Growth、Rare Metals等国内外学术期刊发表论文四十余篇。
1. Jun Wu, Honggang Liu, Zhiyu He, Hui Luo, Baojun Chen, Xinyao Liu, and Wei Huang*, Investigation of the Anisotropic Thermal Expansion Mechanism of AgxGaxGe1–xSe2 Crystals, Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 60, 15, 11098–11109.
2. Wei Huanga, Jun Wu, Baojun Chen, Jianping Li*, Zhiyu He*, Crystal growth and thermal annealing of AgGaGe5Se12 crystal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 862, 158002.
3. Jun Wu, Wei Huang*, Hong-gang Liu, Zhiyu He, Baojun Chen, Shifu Zhu, Beijun Zhao, Yuxing Lei, Xiaonan Zhou, Investigation of the Thermal Properties and Crystal Growth of the Nonlinear Optical Crystals AgGaS2 and AgGaGeS4, Crystal Growth &Design, 2020, 20, 5, 3140–3153.
4. Shujie Tie,∇ Wei Zhao,∇ Wei Huang,∇ Deyu Xin, Min Zhang, Zhou Yang, Jidong Long, Qi Chen, Xiaojia Zheng,* Jianguo Zhu,* and Wen-Hua Zhang*, Efficient X‑ray Attenuation Lead-Free AgBi2I7 Halide Rudorffite Alternative for Sensitive and Stable X‑ray Detection, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11, 7939−7945.
5. Wei Huang, Zhiyu He*, Shifu Zhu, Beijun Zhao, Baojun Chen, Sijia Zhu, Polycrystal Synthesis, Crystal Growth, Structure, and Optical Properties of AgGaGenS2(n+1) (n = 2, 3, 4, and 5) Single Crystals for Mid-IR Laser Applications, Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 5865−5874.
6. Wei Huang, Zhiyu He*, Beijun Zhao, Shifu Zhu, Baojun Chen, Ying Wu, Effect of Thermal Annealing Treatment and Defect Analysis on AgGaGeS4 Single Crystals, Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 10846−10855.
7. Wei Huang, Zhiyu He*, Beijun Zhao, Shifu Zhu, Baojun Chen, Crystal growth, structure, and optical properties of new quaternary chalcogenide nonlinear optical crystal AgGaGeS4, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 796, 138-145.
8. Wei Huang, Beijun Zhao*, Shifu Zhu, Zhiyu He, Chen, Baojun Chen; Zhen Zhen, Yunxiao Pu, Surface treatments of CdGeAs2 single crystals, Rare Metals, 2019, 38(7), 683-688.
9. Wei Huang, Beijun Zhao*, Shifu Zhu, Zhiyu He, Baojun Chen, Yunxiao Pu, Li Lin, Zhangrui Zhao, Yikai Zhong, Synthesis of AgGaGeS4 polycrystalline materials by vapor transporting and mechanical oscillation method, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2017, 468, 469–472.
10. Yunxiao Pu, Shifu Zhu, Beijun Zhao, Zhiyu He, Baojun Chen, Wei Huang*, Growth and characterization of Cr-doped CdGeAs2 crystal, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2017, 467, 150–154.
11. Wei Huang, Beijun Zhao*, Shifu Zhu, Zhiyu He, Baojun Chen, Zhen Zhen, Yunxiao Pu, Correlation between dislocation etch pits, carrier concentration and optical absorption in CdGeAs2 grown by modified Vertical Bridgman method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 656, 818-824.
12. Wei Huang, Beijun Zhao*, Shifu Zhu, Zhiyu He, Baojun Chen, Lishu Wu, Zhen Zhen, Yunxiao Pu, Mingyu Sha, Temperature behavior of thermal expansion anisotropy, Grüneisen parameters and thermal conductivity of chalcopyrite AgGa0.7In0.3Se2 crystal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 688, 173-179.
13. Wei Huang, Beijun Zhao, Shifu Zhu, Zhiyu He, Baojun Chen, You Yu, Vibrational modes of chalcopyrite CdGeAs2 crystal, Materials Research Bulletin, 2016, 81, 107–113.
14. Wei Huang, Beijun Zhao*, Shifu Zhu, Zhiyu He, Baojun Chen, Zhen Zhen, Yunxiao Pu, Weijia Liu, Investigation of thermodynamics properties of chalcopyrite compound CdGeAs2, Journal of Crystal Growth 2016, 443, 8–14.